
Acupuncture-like electrical stimulation

The application of a pulsating electrical current to the meridian as a means of stimulating the acupoints, it can provide continued stimulation. The benefits of using electrical stimulation are:

  • It helps assure that the patient gets the amount of stimulation and may also help reduce total treatment time by providing the continued stimulus.
  • It can produce a stronger stimulation, if desired, without causing tissue damage associated with twirling and lifting and thrusting the needle. Strong stimulation may be needed for difficult cases of neuralgia or paralysis.
  • It is easier to control the frequency of the stimulus and the amount of stimulus than with hand manipulation of the needles.

Although electro-acupuncture may be used as a component of nearly all acupuncture treatments that require manipulation of the needles, especially good treatment for neurological diseases, including chronic pain, spasm, and paralysis.

Example of using acupuncture-like-electrical-stimulation

Phase III Study Validates Acupuncture-Like Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Radiation-Induced Dry Mouth

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12